Help us globalize our vision.

Our 2024 goal is to continue to serve students.  

We passionately believe that investing in the next generation workforce through providing career resources and partnering with schools will revolutionize how students are trained to prepare for, to enter in, and exist in the workplace.

It is our goal to provide every student with a comprehensive working knowledge of the Employee Life Cycle to include soft and hard skill management and to provide the tangible digital career resources of a resume, cover letter, electronic portfolio, and a transition into adulthood roadmap.

Our goal is to provide these digital resources to students, schools, and career organizations at a minimum or no cost.

When you give to MHF, you help continue to create support mechanisms that provide individuals with life-changing resources. These resources are designed to help prepare for the real-world while shaping learning, future careers, and lives.

Will you partner with us? When you donate your tax-deductible gift of any size, please download the “I Helped Mission Hope Foundation Help More Students” logo and share it on your social media. By doing this you are helping to bring awareness to our cause.

Click here to DONATE.


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